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THe last letter to SELO from Diana

Hi dear. It's been a month and four days from the date you blocked me. And I was thinking about everything a lot in that time. I wrote 5 messages for you but you will never read them. So I think that it is my last letter for all the rest of my life. I am writing with hope that one day you will read that, somewhere and somehow. Probably by typing in google something. So I decided that I really hurt you and I understand your position and feelings. A month ago I thought that if I could I even haven't met my ex boo. But now I think that it is not fair. I spent some nice time with him. But he is hurt now too, and I feel the guilt because I hurt two very important people of my life that meant a lot for me. And I understood that even if I was close with him, our relationship was not as close as was mine and yours. You and I even thought the same... I do not know if it was love for you, but it was something special. And I am sorry that when I came back to Lit I didn't write you even a hi. I am sure that if I had done that, everything would be different now. You know, I am afraid that I just know how to hurt other people, and I am scared that I won't be able to be happy in my further life. But we will see. No,,, I will see. And I understood that you were so hurt when we talked for that the last week. It seemed like you hated me. And I am sure that one part of you did so. And I am sure that you will never forgive me of that. But when I told you to block me, I didn't really expect that you would do that. And you did it so suddenly. When I saw that I got so big kick to my heart. I understood that the God punches me because I hurt you and him, so I need to get hurt too. By the way I talked to my ex boo few days ago. He cried a lot and it was so painful for me. I just was thinking that he feels the same as me – he is afraid to lose me and I was afraid to lose you again. But life is life.. So I think I should finish the letter, and I hope you will be happy soon. And maybe I am selfish but I hope that I will be too. I hope I will learn how to live without hurting anyone.... So now it is time to say bye and probably for all life. But I hope to meet you in the hell. Preferably in the heaven, but who knows :D I am sure that I will always remember you because you were one of those people that feel the same like me. Haha, sorry if it was a bit romantic :) And it took me to write it almost an hour. Omg Selahattin, you took so much time from my life! Hehe :P And by the way. I tried to find your email again, but I think u deleted your account from one of the internet pages and I could not find it :/ Fucking google! :D So, I will try to invent the medicine to kill cancer tonight, coz I haven’t finished it yet.. So you are my ex lovely donkey, and I send you the last hug, the last kiss, the last touch … but not the last mind ;( I am sorry that I didn’t accept to open the cam, I really wished but I was so scared that you won’t like me alive :) And thanks for the song ch. Millian “us against the world” It always remindes me of you. And you should download eminem’s and rihanna’s song “I love the way you lie. I love it. :D Hope you will not forget me- the Genius :D Sorry because of the things that I made… :* (ninja) So…. Bye my ex mööööööööö… ;( ;(((((


Papasakota: 2010-09-27 06:46. Perskaityta: 10828 kartų.

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